Visualisation in NLP as a strategy for change
Change can seem really hard. We try, we do our best, things seem to go smoothly for a while and then back again when we slide into our old patterns and behaviours. The worst part is, that it seems to get more and more difficult to move into the realms of effective change. The gap between where we started and where we would like to be, seems to have become a gaping chasm instead of the gap that it seemed possible to jump over!
The situation seems hopeless, we are frustrated at our own inability to stick to our good resolutions, and all seems lost!
What can we do?
Some very simple NLP strategies can come to the rescue here. We harness the magical, constructive, forceful power of visualisation. Every normally functioning human has the capacity to visualise. In fact, we often make sense of the world through images. Thinking a thought evokes relevant images on the screens of our mind. The fun part is, that the imagery is in function even when we are trying to negate something.
Right now, as you are reading this, please do NOT, whatever happens, even remotely, think about a fat little pink pig. And even if you do, by any chance, imagine a pink pig, most definitely do NOT think about it happily running around in a field of lush green grass.
Did you see what just happened? We are going to utilise the same power to help us get some internal motivation to move towards what we want. We can wish and desire and want instant gratification, however, unless we have a secret instant magic formula, some effort will be required to achieve something worthwhile.
Start by making a list of what you wish to change. Narrow it down to about five or six and then prioritise ONE specific behaviour or issue.
Then, make a list of the reasons why you wish to change.
What will you gain by changing?
What else will you gain?
What do you stand to lose by not changing?
You may have to look at this a bit into the future over a period of time. Remember that long term compounded changes can lead to massive results or frustrations and regrets.
Let’s take an example: I wish to lose weight, gain more muscle mass, have more energy, find more time for myself, wake up earlier to utilise the day better, prepare more nutritious meals, read a book every month, become more productive etc.
I choose ONE i.e. wake up an hour earlier in the morning.
Reasons why I want to do this specifically?
-I’ll get more time to myself which may be a good start.
-My mornings will be more productive.
-It’s quieter in the mornings and I can have the house to myself instead of the family’s chaos.
-I can meditate longer
- I can use some of the time to read
What will I gain by changing?
-An extra hour of wakefulness, if I can tune into my sleep timings.
- The possibility of quiet instead of Chaos each morning.
- time to read, which is important for me.
What else will I gain?
- I think it could be a great start to my day!
What do I stand to lose by not changing?
- Things will remain the same, I will remain rushed and breathless.
- Chaotic mornings are definitely not good for my peace of mind, I might lose my sanity!
- Arriving at the end of each day, exhausted due to the rushing, is beginning to weigh on to me
- I stand to lose all my weekends, and I will seem to be dedicated to simply catching up instead of making plans to do exciting stuff!
This seems like a good exercise of reasoning but may not be sufficient to motivate us to do something effective. Once we have written this down, we start imagining the long-term effects:
The consequences and the pain of losing by not changing.
Endless mornings lost in chaos, countless days spent rushing all over the place, feeling more and more exhausted at the end of the day and growing older and feebler while doing it. Unimaginative, boring weekends wasted away in sleeping and catching up on household chores and other things to do.
This is one situation where imagining the worst-case scenario is going to be really effective for us. These negative consequences actually have a very good probability of becoming true unless we do something about it. Facing them in our imagination and feeling the emotions attached to this degradation may actually propel us to Action.
Step into a vividly imagined future in which these become all too real. Look at what life is like now. How good or bad is it for you?
When you start feeling the discomfort acutely, stop, take a deep breath, shake yourself down and step into the opposite scenario.
The positive results and pleasure of making the switch.
Each day has given you an extra hour to play with. At the end of a few days or weeks, you have already finished reading some of the books that were on your list. There is a sense of achievement and accomplishment. You have time to savour the start of your day so much more while your family sleeps; that time is yours alone bringing you peace and calm. People around you are beginning to notice that glow… Allow yourself to extract deep pleasure from all the details of having access each and every day to that extra hour all for yourself.
You will feel your level of pleasure and motivation rise almost instantly. As a result, your body will respond physiologically to the contrast in outcomes. If you are aware, you will be able to notice the changes in your breathing and feelings of calm and pleasure, inspiring you to act to achieve this outcome.
Like with anything worth doing, practice leads to mastery. To start with, commit to working on this exercise every day until these States are firmly embedded in your being and then bring it up as and when required to help you along. This can be a very effective strategy in the process of Change.
As a mindfulness practitioner and life-design coach, I help clients focus on well-being and personal growth and make life choices that prioritize their mental and emotional health. This leads to personal freedom and independence allowing the person to blossom and manifest the life they deserve. Connect with me if you are seeking to go forward on your journey.