The questions we ask ourselves
The questions we ask ourselves, direct our life, because our mind will always provide answers, that’s how we are wired. Whatever we ask, our brain answers to the best of its ability and logic.
In order to have a more fulfilling life, we need to ask powerful questions that will provide answers to spark off our motivation and purpose.
First of all, the question to ask ourselves is: ‘What do I want?’ This has to be framed in the positive; most people have an easy reply to what they do NOT want anymore. Look for the opposite and focus on what you want. Keep the eyes on the target, not on the distractions around, which you’re not looking to centre.
Next, ‘Why do I want it? To what end? For what purpose?’ Keep in mind that the first reply is usually simply a superficial one. Some coaches speak of going down 7 levels of Why! At the end of the tunnel, there is always a deep rooted need that is seeking fulfilment. It could be security, wanting to be appreciated, approval, validation… love.
Once this has been clarified, the next question centres around action, behaviour, execution, the putting into play and going for it: ‘What am I willing to do about it?’ This helps get more clarity on the path to be undertaken, the goals to be established and the roadmap to be charted out, keeping room for flexibility and surprises around the corner.
Pull time out for yourself. Take moments to self-reflect in silence, away from the constant demands and distractions of the world. Let the world wait, while you give time to you, it will be a win-win situation.