The Power of Physiology in Shifting Our Emotional States
Our bodies and minds are intricately connected. The way we use our physical body — our physiology — can profoundly impact our mental and emotional states. As the field of psychology has evolved, more focus has been placed on the body-mind link utilizing simple physiological shifts and how we can leverage physiology as a powerful way to regulate our feelings, moods and state of being to manage our inner experiences.
“The body and mind are not separate, and we cannot treat one without the other.” — Candace Pert, neuroscientist.
“The body and the mind are not separate. What we do with the body will impact the mind, and vice versa,” explains psychologist Dr. Joanne Davis. “When we change our physiology even in subtle ways, we can shift our thinking and emotional patterns.”
The Mind-Body Connection
Many of our emotional reactions are accompanied by physical sensations. When we are happy and relaxed, we feel loose and open. When angry or tense, we clench our jaw or make fists. Fear brings faster breathing and a racing heart. Our physiological state directly impacts the chemicals and neural activity in our brains, which then affects our mental and emotional states.
The reverse is also true — we can intentionally use our physical posture, expressions and behaviours to shift our moods.
“The brain does not exist in isolation. It is part of the body,” says neuropsychologist Dr. Martin Hagger. “Changes in posture, facial expressions, gestures, and more can trigger chemical responses in the brain that shift our mood and functioning.”
“The body is the subconscious mind.” — Alexander Lowen, founder of bioenergetic analysis.
This mind-body connection arises from our neurobiology. Sensations in the body link to associated emotions and thoughts in the brain. By changing our physical patterns, we alter brain activity and chemistry. This sends new signals about how we should be feeling.
Amy Cuddy, social psychologist and assistant professor at Harvard Business School, says, “Don’t fake it till you make it. Fake it till you become it. Our bodies change our minds, our minds change our behaviour, and our behaviour changes our outcomes.”
My own take on this is, “Faith it till you become it!”
Simple physical adjustments can have pronounced effects. Expanding your posture, for example, releases confidence chemicals like testosterone while lowering stress hormones like cortisol. Smiling triggers the release of dopamine and serotonin, even when the smile is forced. I warmly recommend that you give it a try.
Power Poses — one of my favourites!
“Power posing manipulates neuroendocrine levels to drive psychological effects,” explains psychologist Amy Cuddy, pioneer of power pose research. “Poses that open up the body trigger neurotransmitter changes that shape cognition and emotions.” Cuddy’s research revealed the impact of “power posing” — using open, expansive postures — to elevate confidence and shift hormone levels before stressful situations like job interviews and speeches.
Much research demonstrates the power of using deliberate bodily postures and positions to alter psychological states. Adopting open, expansive poses increases confidence, dominance, and willingness to take risks while reducing anxiety and stress. Incorporating confident, open stances in daily life trains the mind over time to be more assured and resilient. Intentionally moving the body in ways that display calm and self-assurance can gradually make those feelings more innate.
Adopting high-power poses like standing with hands on hips, legs spaced widely and head held high, results in elevated testosterone and lowered cortisol. This enhances assertiveness, risk tolerance and a sense of control. Contractive poses like slouching or crossing limbs have the opposite effect.
“You have to accept the body posture that corresponds to your self-image. This may be conscious or unconscious, but it’s a necessary part of making changes in your life.” — Moshe Feldenkrais, founder of the Feldenkrais Method
Facial Feedback — Smiles vs Frowns
The activation of specific facial muscles also signals the brain to generate associated emotions. Smiling, even when forced, can lift mood. Scowling can have the reverse impact.
Silvan Tomkins’ facial feedback hypothesis argues: “The face contains small muscles that function to produce facial expressions. In terms of an information theory analysis, we simply need to know which facial muscles are linked to which emotional states in order to deduce the capacity of facial expression to regulate emotion.”
The expressions we make with our faces communicate messages back to our brains that change how we are feeling. As the saying goes, “Fake it till you make it.” Contrary to the common assumption that we smile when we’re happy, smiling often can make us happier.
Psychologist Dr. Willibald Ruch notes, “Facial movement provides feedback that alters experience. The facial musculature pulls on nodes in the amygdala and brain stem, inducing congruent neurological states.”
Smiling, laughing, frowning, and other facial expressions impact the flow of neurotransmitters. When we smile or laugh — even when forced — it triggers the release of ‘feel-good’ chemicals like endorphins and serotonin. You would have heard of ‘Laughter Yoga’ where participants indulge in forced laughter and it has been shown to have far-reaching benefits on mood and overall wellbeing.
By the way, did you know that it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile?
More specifically, frowning uses the corrugator supercilii, procerus, and orbicularis oculi muscles, which are located around the brow and eye area. This totals up to around 43 muscles.
Smiling primarily uses the zygomatic major muscle, which pulls up the corners of the mouth, and the orbicularis oculi muscles around the eyes. This totals around 35 muscles.
So, my friends, the simple act of smiling requires fewer facial muscles to complete. Smiling can literally feel more effortless and uplifting than frowning or scowling because the complex movement of bringing the brows together in a frown does, in fact, use more total muscle groups and effort than a simple natural smile. Choosing to smile instead of frown can save energy. It also leaves you with a much more pleasant expression and way better wrinkles as you age!
Breathing Patterns — Breath is Life!
‘Pranayam’ or the exercise of breathing is a fundamental aspect of yoga.
The way we breathe is both a cause and effect of our mindset and directly corresponds with our mental and emotional states. Quick, shallow breaths are linked to anxiety and tension. Slow, rhythmic breathing produces a calmer state. Deep belly breathing stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, reducing stress hormones. We can therefore intentionally use breathing to shift out of negative mindsets.
“Engaging the diaphragm through abdominal breathing stimulates the vagus nerve and parasympathetic nervous system,” says psychologist Susanne Babbel. “This slows the heart rate, decreases blood pressure, and quiets the amygdala RESPONSE — the brain’s emotional control centre.”
Taking slow, measured breaths is an immediate way to relieve tension and anxiety. Over time, incorporating purposeful breathing becomes an invaluable tool for self-regulation of emotions. The rhythm of our inhales and exhales shapes the rhythm of our minds.
Dr. Andrew Weil, an expert on integrative medicine, says: “Breathing exercises are a wonderful way to…directly influence both the body and mind, quickly shifting us from tense and anxious states to calm and relaxed ones.”
Check-in with yourself right now. How are you breathing? How do you normally breathe? You can learn to oxygenate better!
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Intentionally tensing and relaxing key muscle groups draws awareness to sensations in the body. As you release contracted muscles, your physical state becomes more settled, as does your nervous system. Tightness dissipates as blood circulation increases.
“Progressive muscle relaxation can rapidly reduce anxiety, emotional volatility and hyperarousal.” — Dr. Rajita Sinha, psychologist and neuroscientist at Yale
The mind-body connection is a two-way street. To simply manage distressing emotions is not enough. By adjusting our physiology, we can override and transform our inner experience. Try tapping into the power of your physical self next time you need an emotional shift.
Imagery has a profound and tangible impact on physiology and psychology. Mentally picturing desired outcomes and states of being can predispose the body towards those states and induce corresponding chemical changes.
Sports psychologists have long recognized the power of “mental rehearsal” for enhancing athletic performance. Neurological studies reveal that visualizing motor actions activates the same neural pathways as actually performing the actions. Elite athletes widely use visualization to mentally train.
The same principle applies for emotional states and confidence. Neuropsychologist Dr. Daniel Kamen explains, “Visualization and guided imagery engage the brain’s frontal lobe to construct desired mindsets. With rehearsal, visualized patterns can become neurological reality.”
By spending time regularly imagining and immersing in desired psychological states, visualization can supplement and strengthen those states. The brain is stimulated to produce chemicals that support the mental picture. Starting your day off with time in nature is an excellent way to ensure it goes well, the next best thing is to visualise yourself there!
Music and Rhythm — again one of my favourites!
Auditory pathways have direct input to motion, emotions, and hormonal systems. The rhythm of music we listen to — along with singing or humming — impacts physiology in ways that can quickly shift mood.
“Sound vibration entrains brain waves which entrains the nervous system, hormones, immune system — everything,” says psychologist John Reid. “Selecting music with desired properties like tempo, rhythm, and melody can drive beneficial neurochemical changes.”
Uplifting music with a faster tempo has been found to stimulate the release of feel-good hormones like oxytocin and dopamine. Softer, slower music can trigger relaxation neurotransmitters like serotonin. Singing powerfully taps into this mind-body dynamic. Research on drivers has shown that when you're listening to faster beats, you’re likely to drive faster and in a racier manner while driving to classical symphonies will make you cruise in a much calmer fashion.
I have playlists for every mood and occasion. In fact, I’m writing this to some hauntingly beautiful music of the desert!
How to apply all this as a practical approach in your day-to-day life?
Once we recognize how intimately physical and mental states are interwoven, we can be more aware and intentional about using our physiology to direct our psychology and moods.
Begin noticing how your body feels in different emotional states — posture, breathing rate, facial tension, etc. When you want to change how you feel, shift the physical position and motion of your body accordingly.
Develop a toolkit of go-to physiological adjustments. I use these with my clients with exquisite results: power poses, deep breathing, visualizing your happy place, or playing a peppy, happy song.
The more you actively integrate body-mind practices, the more automatic these associations will become. Soon you’ll be able to change your emotional channel as easily as changing the song on your playlist or the movie on your Netflix!
Now that you have read this far, I encourage you to try for yourself some or all of what I’ve written. The first person you need to convince is yourself and remember to practice well.
Leverage the innate mind-body connection to convince your brain and being that you are confident, resilient and emotionally abundant. Don’t just tell yourself, show yourself through physiology, and soon you will feel the truth of what your body is saying.
As a mindfulness and NLP practitioner and life-design coach, I help clients focus on well-being and personal growth and make life choices that prioritize their mental and emotional health. I work with them to resolve confidence issues and Imposter Syndrome. This leads to personal freedom and independence allowing the person to blossom and manifest the life they deserve. If you’re looking to expand your horizons and/or overcome issues, connect with me.