“The Delicate Balance: A Child’s Need for Attachment and Authenticity”

Tina Saxena
5 min readDec 5, 2023


How do we end up becoming people pleasers?

A child’s healthy development rests upon a delicate balance of needs being met by caregivers. Crucially, kids require both secure attachments to their guardians and the freedom to express themselves authentically as they grow.

Our society with its rules and the emotional immaturity of its individuals often gets them to choose between one or the other!

“Children need to feel safe exploring their inner and outer worlds, voicing their emotions, and asserting their preferences,” says childhood psychology expert Dr. Janine Milton. “But they also rely heavily on consistent nurturing attachment from parental figures.”

Overemphasis on either aspect alone is a sure recipe for courting trouble with far-reaching consequences. However, when raised in an environment that meets both core requirements, children gain the resilience to handle the inevitable difficulties that life will present them with while developing vibrant individuality.

Children need to explore the world and learn from play and interaction with their peers and responsible adults who can take care of their needs and be examples to emulate. They do not need to be punished for expressing their inherent nature of play or exposed to unnecessary pain, anguish and hardship in order to learn lessons, life will provide those anyway. They need to feel safe and supported in their growth and be encouraged to develop a strong sense of self and faith in their abilities to cope with whatever comes their way.

Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash

Attachment Supports Growth

Beginning in infancy, trusted bonds that are built through consistent, loving care are fundamental in providing the secure base our kids need to navigate each stage of maturation.

“Responsive attachment builds neural pathways keeping stress responses regulated so children can explore freely without becoming overwhelmed,” explains attachment researcher Dr Gabriella Ramos. “Caregiver attunement and affection prime kids to thrive socially, emotionally, even academically long-term by buffering them during distress.”

Conversely, children lacking secure caregiver bonds tend to struggle with anxiety, anger issues, and difficulty coping when upset. Ramos says that supporting healthy attachment remains imperative all our life, but proves especially critical in early childhood.

Authenticity Allows Flourishing

As crucial as consistent nurturing proves for kids, opportunities for free self-expression matter tremendously too for their development unfolding into a healthy and well-balanced individual.

“Caregivers help children blossom into their unique potential by welcoming diverse perspectives and emotions without judgement,” says Milton.

In environments where kids are consistently pressured to conform to parental expectations, troubling trends inevitably tend to emerge.

“When external approval gets tied too tightly to self-worth in childhood, muting one’s inner voice for acceptance becomes habitual” notes Milton. “Over time, hiding aspects of self deemed unacceptable threatens long-term health and happiness.”

The Impact of Emotional Pretense

Children instinctively emulate caregiver responses signaling which emotions seem ‘acceptable’ versus unacceptable in any given environment. They have no filters for discernment and are simply absorbing information from the environment they find themselves in.

“Kids notice quickly what feelings they need to hide to stay connected to parents” explains family therapist Gabriella Chang. “Unconscious messages get internalized that suppressing certain emotions like anger, sadness, or fear is required for acceptance.”

Over the years the pattern solidifies. Since expressing emotional authenticity risks rejection on the part of the caregiver, muting real feelings proves essential for maintaining attachment bonds.

“Caregiver relationships form the foundation of a child’s self-esteem and trust,” Chang notes. “When those attachments require pretending, children silence pieces of themselves to secure love.”

The Façade Cracks Over Time

While some parents may proudly perceive a child’s constant cheerfulness, lack of ‘acting out’, or compliance with expectations as positive traits, the habit of hiding authentic emotions to please caregivers instils chronic fear and inauthenticity.

“Suppressed emotions don’t vanish, they accumulate within a child’s physiology and psyche.” Chang goes on to say. “Eventually numbness, anxiety and depression often emerge later as the façade of pretended wellbeing cracks.”

Paradoxically, as disconnected children grow into adulthood, muted emotions begin leaking out through unexpected channels in a bid to be recognized. The body often pays the price in the shape of illness and disease.

“It might manifest as workaholism, excessive caregiving, or permissive parenting.” Chang notes. “Or sometimes sadly, addictions and self-harming behaviours emerge from unconsciously seeking relief.”

The Risks of People Pleasing

Likewise, when children learn to mute objections and discard personal needs to avoid parental displeasure, lifelong habits solidify such as people-pleasing and low self-esteem.

“Kids wired to automatically acquiesce with caregiver preferences lose touch with their inner truth,” says Milton. “As teens and adults, this manifests as difficulty identifying and advocating for personal wants essential for wellbeing.”

Without practice in honestly expressing emotional needs within family units, children grow unequipped to establish boundaries in work, friendships and romantic partnerships later. Caregiver relationships thus profoundly shape lifelong communication patterns.

The Bright Side

When raised by parents who take responsibility for their own emotions while allowing children to freely express their own feelings, kids gain precious tools and skills to flourish as authentic individuals authentically connected to caregivers and themselves.

“My advice to parents is react to children’s full range of emotions calmly without judgement,” urges Chang. “Practice refraining from shaming behaviours arising from emotional wounds they themselves carry from childhood.”

Additionally, Milton reminds families to provide ample open space for children to explore interests which are deeply meaningful to them. They are individuals in their own right and should not be burdened with the pressures of adults deciding their life paths in conformity with societal traditions and expectations. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’!

“Kids need room to independently develop passions, creativity and purpose apart from parental expectations or demands. Nurture children’s spark by ensuring their voice gets heard and honoured.”

In this way, the deep human needs for loving attachment and authentic self-actualisation are woven together beautifully, allowing children to mature into competent, caring adults richly connected to themselves and others.

Prioritizing both facets by nurturing bonds without requiring conformity or pretence, provides space for exploration, observation and learning and inculcates the gift of emotional security in growing individuals with the freedom to unlock their highest potential.

That is the best inheritance that caregivers can offer future generations!

As a mindfulness practitioner and life-design coach, I help clients focus on well-being and personal growth and make life choices that prioritize their mental and emotional health. This leads to personal freedom and independence allowing the person to blossom and manifest the life they deserve. Connect with me if you are seeking to go forward on your journey.



Tina Saxena
Tina Saxena

Written by Tina Saxena

On the joyful, slow and leisurely track, exploring life in its myriads of facets and nuances, dipping into the latest human psychology and ancient scriptures!

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