Let me raise,
just a bit more,
the walls
that guard my beautiful heart,
for I can see,
my emotions in turmoil,
my steady heartbeat
crazily going pitter-patter,
all of a sudden.
Once again, I have sighted,
In the crowd,
who is seemingly driving,
yet blissfully unaware,
all this confusion.
Long have I laboured,
to still the tumultuous ocean
of unruly human emotions,
losing myself in its depths,
near-drowning almost,
and then suddenly, riding headily,
the triumphant crest
of its waves.
Long and arduous,
has been the journey,
to steady these waves,
to learn to dominate myself,
for the health of my heart,
and yet here goes all that labour,
in the face of
who tempts me again.
It is an old and treacherous friend,
this poignant temptation,
pulling me down under,
with promises of untold joys,
new horizons to explore,
inside and out,
passionate moments and heady laughter.
I know it all too well, this old story,
moving along towards the end
to a certain conclusion
of disappointment and false delusion,
the yearning spent,
the flame dying down
to take its place
in my archives
of experiences had,
knowledge gained and wisdom distilled.
Protect myself and my heart,
I must, to survive,
even if there is, strongly felt,
the bitter-sweet seduction
of being consumed.
Resist, I shall not,
for well I know,
it is futile.
Change tactic perhaps,
find more balance and harmony
and so strive to ride,
with more expertise,
these choppy waves
and raise,
just a bit more,
the walls
that guard my faithful heart.