How to be much happier with less?
As I grow older and wiser, I find myself radiating happiness with less and less material weight around me. It’s increasingly adopting a ‘Less is More’ philosophy rather than the ‘More is Better’ approach to life that I previously lived by.
Perhaps one begins to become sated with the collection of worldly goods and realizes that things weigh you down. Perhaps, we run out of physical space to keep and store things. Perhaps, one realizes that everything material becomes heavier as we grow older and have lesser time and energy to devote to the superficial.
If and when we embark on a journey of self-discovery, we begin to drop off the excess baggage of our self-imposed restrictions and limitations.
I see that as I turn inward and cultivate more silence around me, I require less ‘stuff’ and more ‘space’.
Being happier with less involves a shift in mindset and as a consequence in lifestyle.
Cultivating the self pushes us to adopt certain practices that prioritize contentment and fulfillment over material possessions. We begin to collect fulfilling experiences and authentic relationships over anything else as we realize the temporary nature of the world we inhabit.
Given below are a few principles that have shifted my personal perspective and led me to find way more happiness with way less stuff and noise:
- Gratitude: Focusing on the things you do have and cultivating a sense of appreciation for them by slowing down and feeling a strong sense of awe, wonder, and deep gratitude. Acknowledging the positive aspects of your life can really help you feel happier and more content with wherever you are.
- Simplify, simplify, simplify your spaces, commitments and everything in your Life: Get rid of what no longer serves you, pare down the excess. Declutter your physical, emotional, and mental space. Clearing up space in your environment can reduce stress and anxiety. I have found that having less visible clutter creates a sense of calm. Having less ‘noise’ around me allows me to function much better and focus my energy on what is truly important to me. Let go of unnecessary possessions and commitments that don’t contribute to your well-being.
- Switch off the television and limit Media Consumption: Cut out the noise and distraction of the world that wishes to feed on your vital life force. The News is meant to bring out reactions to the shock value of the reports. The constant churning of our emotions by getting images and words of doom and disaster has an adverse effect on our hormonal balance and well-being. Limit your exposure to news items and intentionally reduce exposure to advertising. Consciously make an effort to remove yourself from consumerism. You will save precious time, and avoid wasting valuable energy and your wallet will thank you.
- Nature is your home: Connecting with nature has a marked and definite positive impact on mental health. Spending time outdoors reduces stress and promotes well-being. We aren’t designed to live all our lives cloistered in boxes, no matter how comfortable and well-equipped they are!
- Go for Experiences: I have started investing in experiences rather than material possessions. Experiences create emotions and memories. They bring more joy than acquiring more things that we do not have space for! Accept the positives and the negatives; enjoy, learn and grow.
- Nurture Relationships: Quality over quantity and quality and quantity are great rules when it comes to relationships. Prioritise time with loved ones, be it friends or family. Nurturing and committing to maintaining strong relationships provides a deep sense of happiness and fulfillment. Great relationships are the mainstay of our lives.
- Engage in daily practices of Mindfulness: Mindfulness and meditation help us stay present, observe, appreciate and be grateful for the simple moments in life. Mindfulness can ground you in the present moment, regardless of external circumstances. A good exercise is to observe your breath and make it a priority to learn deep breathing and indulge in it daily, many times a day! Cultivate Silence so that you can listen to what is truly important.
- Personal Growth Journey: Invest in yourself, in your personal development and pursue hobbies, interests, and skills that fuel your passions and bring you joy, regardless of the economic factors. Continuous learning and self-improvement contribute to a sense of accomplishment and happiness.
- Review your Goals: We are taught to seek material success in life. Instead of chasing material goals, set goals that align with your values and bring a sense of purpose to your life. Working toward meaningful objectives provides a strong sense of fulfillment. Achievements can be empty and hollow unless they align with our values and who we are!
- Have an attitude of service: Acts of kindness contribute to your community. Helping others creates a sense of purpose, well-being, connection, and satisfaction that transcends material possessions. Step up as a volunteer and you will be surprised at how many lives you can touch and help change for the better. You will also realize that you are truly blessed with whatever you do have.
- Look into Minimalism: The philosophy of minimalism, emphasizes the importance of living with intention and only owning items that truly add value to your life. I am slowly and steadily finding myself moving towards this aspect of quality over quantity in keeping around myself things that ‘spark joy’ as Marie Kondo puts it. Everything you keep around you should be beautiful, useful, and functional. It brings joy and removes stress.
- Heal yourself of ‘Comparisonitis’: Comparing yourself to others is doing yourself a disservice. We are taught to look around and the adults who are our reference points often point to other children as being smarter, better, more intelligent in an effort to goad us into action. More often than not, this backfires leaving us with a need to constantly compare ourselves and find ourselves lacking. Each of us is unique with our individual talents, characteristics, and traits. Comparison leads to feelings of inadequacy and dissatisfaction and an inferiority complex. It is an endless pit of never being good enough or having enough to beat the Joneses. Focus on your own personal track, your journey, and your progress. Seek to become better than who you were!
- Practice living in a state of Contentment: Accept where you are and who you are. Train your mind to be content with what you have, while you pursue becoming a better human being. Contentment is a mindset that can lead to greater happiness.
- Stay physically and mentally Active, Flexible and Agile: Movement and exercise keep us in good shape, fit and young for a longer period of time, boosting mood and overall well-being. Engaging in physical activity and exercising your grey cells helps you feel happier and more energized and wards off issues like Alzheimer's. Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Engage in activities that recharge you and bring joy. Take time to cultivate hobbies, whether it’s reading, taking a leisurely bath, or practicing a hobby like gardening.
The path to happiness with less is a personal journey and it is not about completely eliminating desires, but finding a balance and focusing on the aspects of life that truly bring you fulfillment and joy.