How do you transform negative patterns in your daily habits?
Habits are the building blocks of our daily lives. They shape our behaviours and define our routines which have a massive impact on determining our outcomes.
Let us try to understand the concept behind habits, understand the psychology behind them, and seek some strategies for breaking the shackles of bad habits to pave the way for positive transformation.
Behaviours and Habits
Habits are basically automatic, repetitive behaviours that are often performed without conscious thought. They are formed as a result of the brain’s efficiency-seeking mechanism, allowing us to save mental energy and streamline our actions. This is good for us in the long run as it saves precious energy and time.
However, habits can be useful and empowering and also extremely limiting. Positive habits can lead to personal growth and success, while comfortable negative habits can hinder progress and well-being.
In his book ‘Atomic Habits’, James Clear speaks about ‘The Habit Loop’.
Habits, James explains, follow a loop that consists of three key components: cue, routine, and reward. This loop is deeply ingrained in the brain’s neural pathways thanks to the habitual loop practised over a long period of time.
Often, habits provide immediate rewards, even if they have long-term negative consequences. Recognizing and altering this loop is a crucial step in breaking bad habits.
Strategies for Breaking Habits which have now become a hindrance:
Mindfulness and meditation techniques can help individuals become more attuned to their habits. Encouraging people to observe their thoughts, emotions, and actions without judgment allows them to identify triggers and patterns associated with their habits. Self-awareness is key.
Instead of focusing solely on stopping a habit that is not good for you, replace it with a positive one. This taps into the brain’s preference for routines without leaving a vacuum while channelling the energy it would take into productive behaviour. Replace and substitute, Don’t Remove.
Set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals for breaking bad habits. Go a step further and make the goals Ecological, i.e. a win-win for you and others including the environment. Review your Goals from time to time and check if the habits you are cultivating are taking you further. This approach breeds accountability and measurable progress. SMART Goals are a good base to build upon.
One of the most helpful techniques is to create a nurturing environment to pursue new habits. Modify your surroundings to make it easier to avoid triggers and make it easier to pursue better habits. This might involve rearranging the environment or social circles to minimize exposure to situations that fuel habits you wish to break. This could be going to watch a movie or attending a seminar rather than meeting up with your drinking buddies every weekend. Environmental Changes are extremely impactful.
Utilize cognitive reframing for better outcomes. Empower yourself to change and expand perspectives on the perceived rewards and pitfalls of bad habits, making them less enticing. For example, visit the lung cancer ward if you’re looking into quitting smoking and set a goal of running x miles in x amount of time. Mindset shifts count a lot.
Habits form through repetition, so consistent effort is key. It takes a period of time to set a habit and it takes a period of time to set a new one while discarding an older one. Persevere even when setbacks occur, and celebrate small victories along the way. Keep your motivation going by focusing on the reward and even feeling the pain of sustaining a bad habit in the long run. Consistent practice pays rich dividends.
Get yourself a partner or a group to keep you accountable. You are more likely to show up and be consistent if you know someone is watching and counting on you. Accountability will help you cultivate the discipline that you may not by yourself!
Habits are nothing more than malleable elements that can be shaped through conscious effort. You took time and effort to form your habits. Similarly, you can become empowered to break free from the chains of bad habits with intention, awareness and effort. The journey towards transformation is multifaceted, requiring self-awareness, perseverance, and a willingness to embrace change.
Know that it is possible and feasible to cultivate a lifestyle infused with positivity, mindfulness, and sustainable personal growth by shifting your mindset and changing your habits to support you.
As a mindfulness practitioner and life-design coach, I help clients focus on well-being and personal growth and make life choices that prioritize their mental and emotional health. This leads to personal freedom and independence allowing the person to blossom and manifest the life they deserve.