Today has been a really “full” day running around offices, bureaucratic circles, officials saying one thing, having to recant and endless rushing around to get “official” documentation that one pays taxes for, all in all, stuff to try and stretch your patience to the limit and then some…. I’m sure some readers of this post can identify.
However, this morning, as with most of my mornings over the past few years, I made a conscious, intentional decision to extend grace and unconditional positive regard to all those who cross my path, to spread joy wherever possible, to make an extra effort, leave a smile where there is none, to suspend judgement, to continue honing the skill of patience, to seek to understand, to let go of feelings that do not support me.
Once again, this cultivated attitude or rather way of being worked it’s simple charm, and where people could have been prickly and tiresome, apathetic to my situation, I was met with apologies, shared laughter at the failings of an outdated system, cooperation on a human level and friendly goodbyes with almost a promise to meet again in different circumstances.
In my younger years, this wouldn’t have been possible, when I expected things to work automatically, from an idealistic, utopic point of view, where equations were mathematical, logical though young-adult-emotion based. Things were more Black and White. If x equals y, and a equals b, then c has to equate to d in a similar manner or there’s utter confusion. Adding the foibles of human nature to the equation was something I had not yet learned well.
It’s taken a lot of maturing, growing up, learning, applying and applying again, over and over, consciously what I studied along with the experiences of life.
We all know stuff. The magic begins when we start becoming what we know, when the learning is digested, metabolised and forms part of our daily nourishment, adds to our very core, is absorbed at a cellular level.
-How are you applying what you are learning every day in a practical, concrete manner?
-Why not take stock and review?