Finding Truth Within: How Self-Honesty Cultivates Authenticity

Tina Saxena
6 min readJan 24, 2024


“Truth never damages a cause that is just.” — Mahatma Gandhi

Do you feel like you present a carefully concocted or edited version of yourself to the world?

It is somewhat akin to carefully curating posts to impress on social media or constantly telling little white lies to avoid judgment. Truth and authenticity start with oneself and stopping the unconscious habit of lying to ourselves is the first step to being truthful with others.

Many of us hide parts of who we are or shade the truth out of fear.

We all want and crave acceptance and love, and yet we conceal anything that we worry might be perceived as flaws by others, thus hoping for connection. Authentic connection, however, comes from sharing our real and messy and vulnerable humanity.

The first step is aiming for that transparency, vulnerability and openness inward. Getting radically honest with ourselves plants seeds of integrity that reshape our relationships, purpose and presence.

Why Do We Lie to Ourselves?

Lying starts early. As kids, we have no filters for discernment and we are making sense of the world around us based on our experiences. We learn that some emotions or impulses prompt adult disapproval. So, in order to be accepted, we tuck away certain feelings and desires deeming them to be inappropriate, bad or wrong. Lying becomes a coping mechanism to gain external validation. We conceal anything inside ourselves that doesn’t fit the mould of a “good” child. Before long, we learn how to manipulate our environment to have our needs met and pretending becomes second nature.

These patterns are embedded deeper as we age. We become adept at telling white lies to avoid disappointing parents like hiding failing grades or using the excuse of staying over at a friend's when we are really going to a concert our parents won’t allow us to go to or faking delight at the hated gifts we receive at Christmas or embellishing accomplishments at work etc.

The more we deny inward truth for outer approval, the further we stray from our authentic being. Yet without knowing ourselves inside out, living a genuine life remains impossible.

Unwanted Reflections in The Mirror

Facing the stark reality about ourselves seems scary to most. There is fear. What if we don’t like everything we find?

As artist Frida Kahlo noted, “I paint self-portraits because I am so often alone, because I am the person I know best.”

The truth is that whatever reflections arise in solitude actually serve as teachers, not enemies. With time, we learn and discover that judgment holds no importance or substance beyond the meaning we assign it. This revelation frees us from false perceptions that keep us in the vicious cycle of lies and more lies.

When we stop seeking the impossible idea of perfection, true understanding dawns upon us. Self-acceptance can pave the way and help us uncover the reasons behind behaviours we previously rejected as embarrassing or shameful. With compassion, we can see childhood coping mechanisms for what they are and move into more empowering states of being. Our experience gets transformed into lessons of insight and wisdom. We can carefully retrieve and collect the disowned parts of ourselves and finally welcome them home, into a wholeness which subsequently leads to healing.

This clearing of our inner sight will shatter the illusion of control. We emerge as new persons when we awaken to how little we need validation from people and how to steer external factors to benefit us. When we detach from the opinions of others, letting go of imagined authority and notions of how we should be, we find inner peace and an insane amount of freedom. We find power!

There is an inner knowing and a deep faith that allows us to tap into the flow of life.

The Truth Sets Us Free

The process of uncovering the authentic self can be painful, full of anger and frustration, often disappointing as our illusions fall away and can bring about anger as to why we allowed ourselves to remain so long in the illusion. Uncovering unflattering ideals and limiting beliefs about yourself brings angst and pain in the initial stages. We beat ourselves up for denying the self and for disowning our dreams. There is pain and anguish in having chosen to remain in realities we should have quit being in. However, this does not help unless we use it as an essential step in the journey. With patience and care, we can move out of the darkness and despair; the fire of fury can forge the strength of steel.

Self-compassion and self-acceptance are cultivated in understanding, and not berating our shortcomings. This changed outlook towards ourselves transforms how we perceive others too. Judgment makes way for relating to universal flaws and wounds in humankind from a more compassionate angle.

Confidence is another consequence of embodying radical self-honesty and getting to know oneself, light and shadow included. We feel seen for everything we are and we feel good enough as we are. We realise that the opinions of others about us have more to do with who they are than about who we are.

It takes incredible courage in today’s society to abandon our masks and false personas. Being authentic and maskless brings about liberation. Fully embracing oneself, and accepting gracefully flaws and imperfections as the mark of being human ignites a sense of peace, calm and freedom unlike any other.

Respect for ourselves increases when we embark on our quest of gazing straight and deep at our inner world without blinking. Lasting change can only take root with awareness, exploration and application and requires repeating this cycle consistently.

The Ripple Effects on Relationships

“Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time.” ― Maya Angelou

When we come from a place of inner security and truth, we are capable of extending the same compassion and non-judgment towards others. Our softened perspective allows others the safety and acceptance to peel off their own protective layers as well. Our being holds space for mutual growth and vulnerability.

What can nourish trust and intimacy more than being accepted as is?

Hiding our true selves hoping to safeguard affection slowly undermines relationships because the foundation is unreal. Revealing struggles and flaws without shame helps in creating bonds and nurtures enduring relationships. Authenticity creates tribes built around shared imperfections and dreams.

When flaws are accepted openly, one can grow without masks. The perceived power of lies and inauthenticity is lost. Some people will still judge others but criticism bounces off those grounded in self-worth; it is seen for what it is, rooted in insecurity, inherently worthless and unnecessary.

Instead of self-rejection, there is an acceptance of the self, moving towards being better. Truth means accepting an identity beyond the superficial with having nothing to prove or hide because we are already whole and complete in all respects.

Once the real self shines proudly, people drawn to fake personas fade from orbit. We start becoming more discerning about who will have access to us and to our time and energy. We learn to enforce healthy boundaries and all this inner work makes us exude the confidence of one who knows who they are.

The Truth Equals Presence

When we do not take time for ourselves, we deny the reality that lies within and allow distraction to inevitably foreshadow our presence to oneself. Instead of expressing who we are, we get caught up repressing ourselves and we sleepwalk through daily moments. Radical honesty within, however, integrates all parts to align and be fully engaged and present in the moment. We inhabit ourselves and show up completely in our current experience. Each choice consciously manifests values instead of old habits running on autopilot.

Frederick Douglass noted, “It is easier to build strong children than repair broken men.” Therefore, the earlier in life we start facing facts with courage and wisdom, the further we allow truth to furnish the foundation of our freedom.

We realise that we can choose anew in each instant whether to keep pretending or to stand purposefully awake, to crave illusion or to live with honest insight.

Intending to live in the present invites awareness and vice versa. When we learn to embrace the ever-unfolding now, we are more in alignment with the truth. In each breath and step that we take, we have the opportunity to align our actions with the reality we wish to see around us.

As a mindfulness practitioner and life-design coach, I help clients focus on well-being and personal growth and make life choices that prioritize their mental and emotional health. This leads to personal freedom and independence allowing the person to blossom and manifest the life they deserve. Connect with me if you are seeking to go forward on your journey.



Tina Saxena
Tina Saxena

Written by Tina Saxena

On the joyful, slow and leisurely track, exploring life in its myriads of facets and nuances, dipping into the latest human psychology and ancient scriptures!

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