Are you familiar with the benefits of an evening routine as per the ideas of the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius?
Here are a few tips for your evening routine, culled from ideas attributed to the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius. The wisdom that comes from centuries of Human Consciousness is always relevant to our wellbeing.
Marcus penned down his autobiographical writings known as ‘The Meditations’, a source of great wisdom based on inner reflection and the inspiration he was personally subject to. He was an advocate of self-reflection, of taking time to look inward and renew oneself.
Marcus also talks about living each day as if it were your last, about diving fully into life and extracting the most from it, being aware that each moment is precious.
1- Get some physical exercise. The body was made for moving, not for sitting for long periods of time or a mainly sedenatrty lifestyle. Go for a walk, to the gym, play sport, etc. A healthy mind lives in a healthy body. Our body is the only place we have to live in and taking care of it is our responsibility. A fit body allows us to access more energy to live with vibrance. Dedicating oneself to a fitness regimen also gives us discipline. Besides this, endorphins are released as a result of exercising, which combat stress and cortisol. If you are able to exercise in nature, you get even more added benefits.
2- Spend time with family. Close relationships matter and need to be nurtured, whether they be family or friends. Learn to switch off the distractions and be fully present and engaged with your loved ones. Everything else is an extra topping on the base of the substance and essence of life. There are no guarantees of our moments, each could be the last one and contemplating death can make us live more vibrantly. Quality time helps create stronger bonds of love, respect, value. Relationships are our lifelines and invaluable support during all times.
3- Eliminate excessive external stimuli— Learn to disconnect. Look inward. Focus on yourself. Seek stillness. Meditate. Create space within.
‘It is in your power to retire within yourself whenever you choose.’ Marcus Aurelius
This is especially important today, in a world full of distractions, a world that bombards our senses and enters our spaces uninvited through the very devices that we hold in our hand, if we are not careful, aware and intentional about their usage. This is particularly helpful during the evening, in the hours that precede sleep, allowing you to wind down and let go of the stresses and strains of the day and slide into a deep, restorative and regenerative sleep. For many of us, it would mean getting off Social Media, television or Netflix and switching off our devices. The light emitted by the screens is another factor that inhibits our brain’s ability to switch off! Becoming aware and mindful by retreating into oneself to switch off brings incredible benefits for our repose and rest periods as well.
4- Review your day. Every evening, take time to examine your daily choices and practices to connect with your higher self. How can you learn from them? Work on them? Reflect on everything. Doing this not only gets you to focus but also allows you to become more mindful as you train your brain to do something beneficial to you, allowing yourself space to introspect. You observe and learn what could have been done better without judgement or blame. You also calibrate yourself on your values and your actions and behaviours, whetehr you are in alignment with who you want to be.
‘Nothing has such power to broaden the mind as the ability to investigate systematically and truly all that comes under thy observation in life.’ Marcus Aurelius
5- Contemplate your personal sage and your inner wisdom. Who do you look up to as a reservoir of wisdom, good judgement, mastery and expertise? What would your role model have done when confronted with the situations you faced? How would you have acted if you personified the qualities that you admire in them? Giving this some thought and reflection, allowing yourself to imagine and emulate the thinking processes, actions and behaviours of your role models, helps refine your thinking and discernment. This helps you move into the kind of person you would like to be.
6- Take a view from above — as if you are looking at yourself from the cosmos and grounded in infinity. When we contemplate the immensity of the universe and the tiny space we inhabit, for a truly short span in infinity, it is easier to gain clarity and see each moment in a more detached manner. Distance yourself and gain perspective from the point of view of eternity. This allows you to detach and view yourself impersonally, providing deeper insights into the self. This also helps us gather in the distractions and can be very interesting as we zoom outwards into space, stepping farther and farther away until we are simply specks in the universe. It also makes us realise how interconnected we all are and also how devoid of importance the many things that hold us back are.
7- Prepare for mornings. Use sleep as a restorative, not an excuse for laziness. Make waking up smooth and stress free. Use your evening routine to prime yourself to sleep as well as allow a smooth waking schedule that helps you jump start your day. When your morning are distraction free, you are more productive. A good morning routine also helps.
- What is your evening routine like?
- How does it help and empower you to pursue your dreams?