Are we truly becoming ‘older and wiser’?
Wisdom comes with age. That is what we expect and we usually use the words, ‘older and wiser’. However, this is not always a given. I think we have all seen a lot of attention-seeking children in old bodies throwing tantrums, indulging in petty behaviours and emotional manipulation and a lot of relatively young, mature and wise people handling all sorts of responsibilities and taking care of others with love and compassion.
Wisdom is being fully responsible and managing your emotional ups and downs. Wise people aren’t throwing tantrums like children or caught up in the pettiness of child games as adults!
True wisdom means maturity with a childlike wonder at the marvellous magnificence of life!
Where do you see yourself?
We have to be mindfully present in the manufacturing of our wisdom and in polishing the clarity of our insights from our life experiences. If we are absent, or distracted, then wisdom will simply pass us by.
A lot of us are basically recycling our experiences and our conditioned patterns of thought and behaviour distractedly. We find ourselves enmeshed in the same or similar situations consistently and then we ask ourselves:
Why me?
Why is this happening to me?
These questions bring up answers like — Because you are stupid. Because you don’t deserve any better. Because you will never ever learn.
These examples given above are some of the most disempowering questions to ask, instead of asking ourselves the right questions which would be along the lines of:
What am I doing to recycle this experience?
What do I need to learn from this situation or this experience?
What kind of shift do I need to make to stop having this kind of experience?
Tony Robbins says that the questions we ask ourselves determine the quality of our lives.
Our brains are physiologically and psychologically wired towards survival and towards answering the questions that we are consistently asking. This is an effort to protect us and keep us safe from harm. However, if you ask a stupid question, then guess what, you will naturally get a stupid answer!
We need to become experts and ask the right questions just like a detective or an investigator.
We need to delve deeper than what we see on the surface if we truly wish to change our lives for the better. The right questions will give us the right answers, better answers and responses that will empower us to grow and further our journey of personal development.
Take responsibility for yourself and move out of the victim mindset. Make a conscious and intentional decision to empower yourself by taking full personal responsibility for everything going on in your life. Stop being part of the vicious circle of blame, punishment, anger, rancour, frustration and whatever holds you down and keeps you playing small. There is more to life than remaining a petty, cantankerous child forever tied to the tiny games of life. Make a decision to grow up and start playing big in life!
Kain Ramsay speaks about this in his book, ‘The Responsibility Rebellion’.
Take a few moments to stop and reflect.
Are you drifting through life utilising your beliefs formed as a child which no longer serve you?
Who are you really being?
Are you consciously applying the principles of virtue in your life and growing?
What questions are you currently asking yourself?
What can you ask yourself instead to become more empowered to change your life for the better?
As a mindfulness practitioner and life-design coach, I help clients focus on well-being and personal growth and make life choices that prioritize their mental and emotional health. This leads to personal freedom and independence allowing the person to blossom and manifest the life they deserve. If you’re looking to expand your horizons and/or overcome issues, connect with me.