A loving embrace
Sometimes I sigh
as I look around
at the broken shards
of a shattered life,
bits and pieces
strewn here and there,
the smallest fragments
carried far and wide
by the strong winds
of constant change
and I watch them sparkle
far away.
After all,
when buffeted and shaken
even the tallest tree
with the deepest roots
will tend to fall,
lest it be bent
out of shape,
a crooked shadow
of its former self.
Sometimes, I sigh
and sometimes I weep
those steamy tears
which none can see
for what was and
may have been
and I weep
all alone.
Soon, I shall smile
once again
that buoyant, radiant
and cheerful smile
as life rushes in
once again
to inevitably possess
every fibre
of my being.
I know, I know,
without a doubt,
I’m never alone.
I feel the Presence,
the Love and Grace,
unbound compassion
of the One
who holds me warm
and secure,
wrapped comfortably within
a loving embrace.